Tuesday 31 December 2019

What open-source projects have I contributed to Github in 2019?

Today is the last day of 2019. I wonder what I have done throughout this year. I decide to take a look at my Github page and have my 2019 Github Rewind. I found that I've 1,775 contributions on Github this year. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35857179/71611572-ebf53c00-2bd4-11ea-8a8c-90b8f2a79d5f.png) The most used programming language is JavaScript. In 2020, I would write more code in Python and Go. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35857179/71611608-3bd40300-2bd5-11ea-9e1e-cc2dd6bedda8.png) Compared with the last year, the number of contributions decreased by 4.6%. This year I've worked on several projects and let's go through them one by one. # pyramid [pyramid](https://github.com/wingkwong/pyramid) is a JSON-based Business Rules Engine. I created it just because I was bored and I was working on Red Hat Decision Manager at that time. It is nothing special and I was trying to explore the power of the Rete algorithm. # react-quiz-component ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35857179/71610338-00ccd200-2bcb-11ea-945c-6accccd5f3c0.png) [react-quiz-component](https://github.com/wingkwong/react-quiz-component) is a ReactJS component allowing users to attempt a quiz. Once again, I created it just for fun and I didn't expect the downloads now go to 7.3K. I kept adding features constantly. Here's the [demo](https://wingkwong.github.io/react-quiz-component/). # Ourland Searching ![image](https://assets.collaction.hk/project_image/dfc3a399583ab583e0acb4ba6a6c84fd111728309a7ce82b29f95b7a8392b9fc2c98a9686d5a9fa87911daabc04d0d4b.jpg) [Ourland Searching](https://github.com/OurLandHK/WebApp) was my first contribution project written in ReactJS with Firebase. It is a Neighbour Media Web Application where neighbors could browse community events within 1 - 3 kilometers based on the current location, filter their interesting posts and participate in some events related to public facilities, community activities or social issues. # Ourland Bigpost ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35857179/71610432-f3fcae00-2bcb-11ea-99af-6d27dd414a97.png) [Ourland BigPost](https://www.collaction.hk/s/wall/) is Ourland Searching's Native IOS/Android version written in Flutter with Firebase. It is my first Dart language project. Basically it is a location-based chat app and you can download it on [Google Play Store](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=hk.ourland.wall&hl=en_US) or [App Store](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bigpost/id1483312010). When I was working on this project, we needed some other Dart plugins. Therefore, I created [dart_tel_input](https://github.com/wingkwong/dart_tel_input) which is a Dart widget for entering international telephone numbers with dropdown searching input countries, [geodesy](https://github.com/wingkwong/geodesy) which is a Dart library for geodesic and trigonometric calculations working with points and paths, and [rich_link_preview](https://github.com/wingkwong/rich_link_preview) which is a rich link preview widget written generating a rich presentation of the given link from social meta tags. Dart syntax is similar to Java. By working on these projects, I got hang of it. For those plugins, you can download them on Pub. # Hong Kong Address Parser ![image](https://g0vhk-io.github.io/HKAddressParser/og-image.png) [HKAddressParser](https://github.com/g0vhk-io/HKAddressParser) was one of the projects I found interesting in the [g0vhk.io hackathon](https://www.collaction.hk/h/g0vhk). I tried to contribute and became a part of the team. I met the team members in person on the day we soft-launched the application. This application is used to parse a great number of addresses utilizing open data from OGCIO and the Hong Kong Government. It aims to help convert the addresses to the coordinates, translate addresses and standardize the address format. Here's the [link](https://g0vhk-io.github.io/HKAddressParser/) and you can see one of the use cases [here](https://medium.com/@howawong/%E9%9D%9E%E7%A7%91%E6%8A%80%E4%BA%BA%E5%A6%82%E4%BD%95-%E9%9B%B6code-%E4%BB%A4%E5%88%B0%E8%B3%87%E8%A8%8A%E9%80%8F%E6%98%8E%E5%8C%96-%E9%97%9C%E6%84%9B%E5%85%B1%E4%BA%AB%E8%A8%88%E5%8A%83%E6%8A%95%E9%81%9E%E7%AE%B1%E5%9C%B0%E5%9C%96%E8%A3%BD%E4%BD%9C%E6%95%99%E5%AD%B8-31e2cf521aa1). I am also writing a python library for it. The link is [hk-address-parser](https://github.com/wingkwong/hk-address-parser). # Hong Kong ATM Locator ![image](https://assets.collaction.hk/project_image/c3d07f8e424001445edb2e36ed8d17d2660adb177439e8d5c1518d9af5da8c25183f1005f2211c553d38a94bb4165d77.jpg) [hk-atm-locator](https://github.com/wingkwong/hk-atm-locator) was the first project I purposed in the next hackathon as a project owner. During that time, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority published the Open Application Programming Interface (API) Framework for the Hong Kong banking sector. However, the interoperability was frustrating as the API was implemented at different standard levels. This project was meant to centralize Hong Kong ATM data in a well-defined yet standardized format and display in a web portal for public use. I needed to register an Open API account and provided company registration evidence in order to use it. Later on, some staff from different banks called me asking me what the purpose was to use their API. At the end, I was only able to collect 10 bank API portal endpoints. The worst-case was to create corresponding Python scapers to scape the data from each bank official website. However, those data might not be up-to-date and it was too time-consuming. I decided to archive this project. Thanks to some contributors, we've made a [web application](https://wingkwong.github.io/hk-atm-locator) showing a number of the ATMs in Hong Kong. # Vote4.hk ![image](https://vote4.hk/og-image.png) [district-councils-dashboard](https://github.com/cswbrian/district-councils-dashboard) was another large project that I've worked on. Later on, the team registered the domain and decided to change the name to [Vote4.hk](https://vote4.hk/). What it does is to provide 2019 District Council Election information such as voting instructions, constituencies, nominated candidates(stance, media coverage, meeting attendance and electoral history), the past election result, etc. At the early stage, I was focus on performing data cleansing using Excel and Talend Data Preparation because we collected lots of data online with different formats. I was also working on the frontend part written in ReactJS as well as the backend part. As the Election was approaching, there were more people joining the team and making contributions. Collaboration is the beauty of working on an open-source project. Starting from mid-Aug, I was way busy preparing for my AWS certification exams and my health condition was getting worse. Hence, there was a period of time I stopped coding as shown in my GitHub activity graph. After the break, I continued to contribute Vote4.hk. This time I was focused on i18next to deliver the data to the English audience. In the end, this application gained more attention and was able to deliver what we wanted to show to the public. # Amazon Web Services Open Source Community ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35857179/71611973-0977d500-2bd8-11ea-8ea8-bdd443d4aa42.png) After the Election, I got more time and started to contribute [aws-cdk-examples](https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-cdk-examples). I made a pull request to demonstrate how to use AWS CDK to provision a MySQL RDS database inside its dedicated VPC in Python and it got merged after 1 week. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/35857179/71611997-30cea200-2bd8-11ea-8a73-c2ab47bb22d3.png) I also made a pull request to [aws-sam-cli](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sam-cli) to handle dot notations in the path_prop_name variables. Working on such a world-class project was definitely a great experience and I got chances to discuss the code with AWS employees. # Gorsk [Gorsk](https://github.com/ribice/gorsk) is a Golang starter kit for developing RESTful services. It is designed to help you kickstart your project, skipping the 'setting-up part' and jumping straight to writing business logic. I created a Taskfile for relocating the boilerplate package. I wrote a post about it. If you are interested, check out [Relocate Golang Boilerplate Packages using Taskfile](https://dev.to/wingkwong/relocate-golang-boilerplate-packages-using-taskfile-35ae) # Go Serverless ![image](https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/59302891?s=200&v=4) Recently I wanted to work in a Go project because the best way to learn is to get your hands dirty. Hence, I created [go-serverless](https://github.com/go-serverless) so that I could explore more in both fields. One of the projects is [serverless-iam-dynamodb](https://github.com/go-serverless/serverless-iam-dynamodb) which provides serverless CRUD services in Go with DynamoDB. While working on this project, I've encountered tons of errors. I've resolved them one by one and documented them so that I could share them later on to others. Like I said before, working on open-source projects definitely gives you lots of benefits. It is not only for the project itself but also for the people and the impact that you create. That's it. How was your 2019? What interesting projects have you done this year? What would you do in 2020? Let me know. Follow me on [DevTo](https://dev.to/wingkwong) for more blog posts. Happy New Year 🎉

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