Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Codeforces - Deltix Round, Summer 2021 - 1556D. Take a Guess

[https://codeforces.com/contest/1556/problem/D](https://codeforces.com/contest/1556/problem/D) ## Problem This is an interactive task William has a certain sequence of integers $a_1, a_2, ..., a_n $ in his mind, but due to security concerns, he does not want to reveal it to you completely. William is ready to respond to no more than 2⋅𝑛 of the following questions: What is the result of a bitwise AND of two items with indices 𝑖 and 𝑗 (𝑖≠𝑗) What is the result of a bitwise OR of two items with indices 𝑖 and 𝑗 (𝑖≠𝑗) You can ask William these questions and you need to find the π‘˜-th smallest number of the sequence. Formally the π‘˜-th smallest number is equal to the number at the π‘˜-th place in a 1-indexed array sorted in non-decreasing order. For example in array [5,3,3,10,1] 4th smallest number is equal to 5, and 2nd and 3rd are 3. ### Input It is guaranteed that for each element in a sequence the condition 0≤π‘Žπ‘–≤109 is satisfied. ### Interaction In the first line you will be given two integers 𝑛 and π‘˜ (3≤𝑛≤104,1≤π‘˜≤𝑛), which are the number of items in the sequence π‘Ž and the number π‘˜. After that, you can ask no more than 2⋅𝑛 questions (not including the "finish" operation). Each line of your output may be of one of the following types: "or i j" (1≤𝑖,𝑗≤𝑛,𝑖≠𝑗), where 𝑖 and 𝑗 are indices of items for which you want to calculate the bitwise OR. "and i j" (1≤𝑖,𝑗≤𝑛,𝑖≠𝑗), where 𝑖 and 𝑗 are indices of items for which you want to calculate the bitwise AND. "finish res", where π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘  is the π‘˜th smallest number in the sequence. After outputting this line the program execution must conclude. In response to the first two types of queries, you will get an integer π‘₯, the result of the operation for the numbers you have selected. After outputting a line do not forget to output a new line character and flush the output buffer. Otherwise you will get the "Idleness limit exceeded". To flush the buffer use: fflush(stdout) in C++ System.out.flush() in Java stdout.flush() in Python flush(output) in Pascal for other languages refer to documentation If you perform an incorrect query the response will be −1. After receiving response −1 you must immediately halt your program in order to receive an "Incorrect answer" verdict. ## Explanation In short, we can retrieve the first 3 numbers first by asking 3 OR questions and 3 AND questions using the fact that $$ a + b = (a \lor b) + (a \land b) $$ After that we can fix the first number to find the rest of them. Once we have all the numbers, we sort the array and find the $k-th$ one. The first 3 numbers can be obtained by the following approach. First we - ask ``or 1 0`` and ``and 1 0`` to get $ a_{01} $ - ask ``or 1 2`` and ``and 1 2`` to get $ a_{12} $ - ask ``or 0 2`` and ``and 0 2`` to get $ a_{02} $ Now we know that $$ a_{01} = a_0 + a_1 $$ $$ a_{12} = a_1 + a_2 $$ $$ a_{02} = a_0 + a_2 $$ We can use these 3 numbers to obtain the first 3 numbers in the array. $$ a_0 = \frac{(a_{01} + a_{02} - a_{12})}{2} $$ $$ a_1 = \frac{(a_{01} + a_{12} - a_{02})}{2} $$ $$ a_2 = \frac{(a_{02} + a_{12} - a_{01})}{2} $$ Starting from $ i = 3 $, we can fix the first number to find out $a_i$. - ask ``or 0 i`` and ``and 0 i`` to get $ a_{0i} $ so that we will have $$ a_i = a_{0i} - a_0 $$ ## Solution ``` long long OR(int i, int j) { cout << "or " << i + 1 << " " << j + 1 << endl; long long x; cin >> x; return x; } long long AND(int i, int j) { cout << "and " << i + 1 << " " << j + 1 << endl; long long x; cin >> x; return x; } void solve() { long long n, k; cin >> n >> k; vector<long long> a(n); long long a_01 = OR(0, 1) + AND(0, 1); long long a_12 = OR(1, 2) + AND(1, 2); long long a_02 = OR(0, 2) + AND(0, 2); a[0] = (a_01 + a_02 - a_12) / 2; a[1] = (a_01 + a_12 - a_02) / 2; a[2] = (a_02 + a_12 - a_01) / 2; for(int i = 3; i < n; i++) { long long a_0i = OR(0, i) + AND(0, i); a[i] = a_0i - a[0]; } sort(a.begin(), a.end()); cout << "finish " << a[k - 1] << endl; } ```

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