Thursday, 31 December 2020

What open-source projects have I contributed to Github in 2020?

Today is the last day of 2020, which means it is time to have my 2020 Github Rewind! Last year I've had 1,775 contributions on Github and I got 4,104 contributions as of today. You can see my Github profile [here]( ![image]( Let's go through what I've worked on one by one in an arbitrary order. ## vote4hk/warsinhk ![image]( [warsinhk]( is a static website for []( I've developed some components such as alert message boxes, datepicker, share buttons and etc, integreated react-i18next, did some bug fixing and revised the documentation. ## aws/aws-sam-cli [aws-sam-cli]( is a CLI tool to build, test, debug, and deploy Serverless applications using AWS SAM. ![image]( I've worked on a bug ticket with Jacob who is a senior software engineer at AWS. The bug was about the attribute ``Command.ScriptLocation`` not being updated for ``Glue::Job`` when running ``sam build`` because dot notations were not supported. At the beginning, my implementation was a bit complicated and Jacob suggested to use ``jmespath`` to handle the querying for nested attributes in JSON instead. The pull request was merged after 2-month discussion. ## wingkwong/hk-address-parser [hk-address-parser]( is an unofficial library for [Hong Kong Address Parser](, designed for Python applications. The usage is pretty simple. ``` from hk_address_parser import AddressParser # Single Query address = AddressParser.parse( "Eaton Hotel, 380 Nathan Road, Jordan") # Batch Query addresses = AddressParser.parse( [ "九龍觀塘海濱道 181號 9樓", "九龍長沙灣道 303號長沙灣政府合署 12樓", "九龍啟德協調道 3號工業貿易大樓 5樓", "香港中環統一碼頭道 38號海港政府大樓 7樓", "香港北角渣華道 333號北角政府合署 12樓1210-11室", "九龍旺角聯運街 30號旺角政府合署 5樓 503室", "九龍觀塘鯉魚門道 12號東九龍政府合署 7樓", "九龍深水埗南昌邨南昌社區中心高座 3樓", "九龍黃大仙龍翔道 138號龍翔辦公大樓 8樓 801室", "新界沙田上禾輋路 1號沙田政府合署 7樓 708-714室", "新界大埔墟鄉事會街 8號大埔綜合大樓 4樓", "新界荃灣大河道 60號雅麗珊社區中心 3樓", "新界屯門震寰路 16號大興政府合署 2樓 201室", "新界元朗橋樂坊 2號元朗政府合署暨大橋街市 12樓" ] ``` Then you can call the [methods]( to get the corresponding info. ## cli/cli ![image]( [cli]( is GitHub’s official command line tool written in Go. I've worked on the command ``gh gist create`` which is used to create a new Github gist with given contents. The feature has been released. For the usage, please check out the official documentation [here]( ## aws/copilot-cli ![image]( [copilot-cli]( is a tool for developers to build, release and operate production ready containerized applications on Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate. I was responsible for a few bug fixing tickets and a feature adding an optional env flag to the command ``app delete`` with test cases. ## wingkwong/k8sgen ![image]( [k8sgen](, written in Go, is an utility which is designed to guide users to build their Kubernetes resources in an interactive CLI. At that time I was learning k8s and drilling down into the details of its internal designs. It was an experimental project. ```bash k8sgen jumpstart _ ___ | | _( _ ) ___ __ _ ___ _ __ | |/ / _ \/ __|/ _ |/ _ | |_ \ | | (_) \__ | (_| | __| | | | |_|\_\___/|___/\__, |\___|_| |_| |___/ ? What kind of object you want to create? [Use arrows to move, type to filter] ClusterRole ClusterRoleBinding Configmap > Deployment Job Namespace PodDisruptionBudget PriorityClass Quota Role RoleBinding Secret Service ServiceAccount ? What deployment you want to name? my-deployment ? What image you want to name to run? busybox ? Please select an output format yaml json > yaml ? What directory you want to save? /home/wingkwong/deployment.yaml ``` Result: ``` apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: app: my-deployment name: my-deployment spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: my-deployment strategy: {} template: metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: app: my-deployment spec: containers: - image: busybox name: busybox resources: {} status: {} ``` ## cortexlabs/cortex ![image]( [Cortex]( is an open source platform for large-scale inference workloads. I added a feature to support ``.cortexignore`` file to exclude files/directories from cortex project zip and also updated AWS resource metadata. ## wingkwong/react-quiz-component [react-quiz-component]( is a ReactJS component allowing users to attempt a quiz. I've added some new features and worked on some bug fixing tickets. Currently it got 10K+ downloads in NPM. ## alexellis/k3sup ![image]( [k3sup]( is a light-weight utility to get from zero to KUBECONFIG with k3s on any local or remote VM. All you need is ssh access and the k3sup binary to get kubectl access immediately. I've made a pull request with the changes to add ``app info`` sub-command to show post-install instructions for an app and the app homepage link, so that users don't have to unnecessarily install again to see them, which was the only way till now to see post install instructions. The changes were implemented for nginx-ingress, cert-manager, metrics-server, tiller, linkerd, cron-connector, kafka-connector, minio, postgresql, kubernetes-dashboard, istio, and crossplane commands. ## inlets/inlets & inlets/inletsctl ![image]( [inlets]( is a Cloud Native Tunnel written in Go and [inletsctl]( creates inlets tunnel servers in the cloud. The same bug was found in both repository. When running ````, the program will fail if the target folder contains a space. Therefore I made the same fix to both repository. The fix was simple enough - just added several double quotes. ## My Self-Learning Playgrounds I learn something new by doing when I feel bored. Here's the list. - [aws-playground]( - [azure-playground]( - [gcp-playground]( - [qsharp-playground]( - [nlp-playground]( - [deno-playground]( - [gRPC-playground]( - [argocd-playground]( - [skaffold-playground]( - [traefik-playground]( - [lxd-playground]( ## wingkwong/competitive-programming [competitive-programming]( contains CP solutions (mostly written in C++) from different OJs and contest sites with explanations. I believe most of the commits come from this repository as I've solved quite a lot of problems this year. ![image]( Competitive programming is a mind sport for programmers to solve mathematical or logical problems. I started my CP journey in 2014 and I had a chance to participant in ACM-HK Collegiate Programming Contest in 2015. I took a long break since then. Most of the people practice lots of CP problems just to get into FANNG companies but I only treat it as a hobby. ## Conclusion In 2020, I mainly worked on CLI projects in Go, practiced 1000+ CP problems in C++, and learned cloud native stuff. In the next year, I believe I'll focus on advanced algorithms. Probably I'll try to use different programming languages to solve the CP problems to sharpen my programming skills.

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