Sunday 29 December 2019

Relocate Golang Boilerplate Packages using Taskfile

Supposing you've found a Go boilerplate and you want to relocate the project under your name. Here's a TaskFile to help you do so. Task is a task runner / build tool that aims to be simpler and easier to use than, for example, [GNU Make]( TaskFile is a yml file. A simple is shown below ``` version: '2' tasks: hello: cmds: - echo 'Hello World from Task!' silent: true ``` Compared with Makefile, it indeed looks simpler. For running the coverage tests, we just need add our commands under ``cmds`` block ``` test: cmds: - echo " *** Running Coverage Tests ***" - $(pwd)/ - echo " *** Completed *** " silent: true ``` What about ``relocate``? That would be a bit different as I need to think about how to inject the variables into it. Thanks to TaskFile development team, I could do something like this. ``` relocate: cmds: - echo " *** Relocating packages to {{.TARGET_PATH}} ***" - task: replace-string vars: { SOURCE_STR: "{{.PACKAGE_NAME}}", TARGET_STG: "{{.TARGET_PATH}}" } - task: replace-string vars: { SOURCE_STR: "{{.PROJECT_NAME}}", TARGET_STG: "{{.TARGET_PROJECTNAME}}" } - echo " *** Completed *** " silent: true ``` In Taskfile, a variable is represented like this: ``{{.VAR}}``. We just need to declare all the variables there. ``` vars: GITHUB: "" PROJECT_NAME_DIR: sh: echo $(basename "$(dirname "$(pwd)")") PROJECT_NAME: sh: echo $(basename "$(pwd)" | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g') PACKAGE_NAME: sh: echo "{{.GITHUB}}/{{.PROJECT_NAME_DIR}}/{{.PROJECT_NAME}}" | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g' TARGET_PATH: sh: echo "{{.TARGET}}" | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g' TARGET_PROJECTNAME: sh: basename "dirname {{.TARGET_PATH}}" | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g' ``` Remember ``relocate`` is only triggered if there is a TARGET path? A preconditions block can help in this case. The variable ``TARGET`` is a parameters when calling ``task relocate``. ``` preconditions: - sh: "[ {{.TARGET}} != '' ]" ``` Wait a minute, then what is replace-string? replace-string is another task used to grep the file and perform the replacement. ``` replace-string: cmds: - grep -rlI '{{.SOURCE_STR}}' --include=*.{go,json} ./ | xargs -I@ sed -i '' 's/{{.SOURCE_STR}}/{{.TARGET_STG}}/g' @ silent: true ``` By adding ``silent: true``, we can make the console cleaner. Just like we add ``.SILENT`` in Makefile. Sample usage: task relocate Complete Code: ``` version: '2' tasks: relocate: cmds: - echo " *** Relocating packages to {{.TARGET_PATH}} ***" - task: replace-string vars: { SOURCE_STR: "{{.PACKAGE_NAME}}", TARGET_STG: "{{.TARGET_PATH}}" } - task: replace-string vars: { SOURCE_STR: "{{.PROJECT_NAME}}", TARGET_STG: "{{.TARGET_PROJECTNAME}}" } - echo " *** Completed *** " silent: true vars: GITHUB: "" PROJECT_NAME_DIR: sh: echo $(basename "$(dirname "$(pwd)")") PROJECT_NAME: sh: echo $(basename "$(pwd)" | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g') PACKAGE_NAME: sh: echo "{{.GITHUB}}/{{.PROJECT_NAME_DIR}}/{{.PROJECT_NAME}}" | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g' TARGET_PATH: sh: echo "{{.TARGET}}" | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g' TARGET_PROJECTNAME: sh: basename "dirname {{.TARGET_PATH}}" | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g' preconditions: - sh: "[ {{.TARGET}} != '' ]" replace-string: cmds: - grep -rlI '{{.SOURCE_STR}}' --include=*.{go,json} ./ | xargs -I@ sed -i '' 's/{{.SOURCE_STR}}/{{.TARGET_STG}}/g' @ silent: true ```

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